- gajnar Tav? 巴巴拉?
- You will need the TAV you selected when making purchase online from FFI. 您将需要选择当您使用购买网上由FFI时的TAV。
- Thereafter, apply liquid rubber base (LRB) and thickening activator (TAV) at wall to floor junction, cracks and joints. 新近流行手工敲边地板,它产生的不规则边缘能增强立体感,还原木制历史感,就像顶级皮具需要做旧来表现怀旧,两者异曲同工。
- Remember, your TAV is not your PIN.Your TAV is for Internet Purchases and your PIN is for ATM withdrawals. 记住,您的TAV不是您的PIN,您的TAV是为在互联网上购买,而您的PIN是为ATM提款。
- Tomato aspermy virus (TAV) is a main chrysanthemum virus in Fujian,with an average infection rate of 85 9%. 番茄不孕病毒是福建省切花菊病毒病的主要病原病毒,平均带毒率高达85。
- The work presented in the exhibitions is based on the on-going projects that the artists are working on while staying at the TAV. 每季进驻艺术家们,或有文学、视觉或表演类的创作者,依其驻村计画进行台湾本地之展演活动。
- TAV Spring Open Studio is going to bring you unexpected surprises.Now you are invited to immerse yourself in the world of art and enjoy the fun that you shall never forget. 春季艺术家开放工作室将给带您意想不到的惊喜,大小朋友们将拥有恣意地享受知性艺术的权利,一定让您精彩难忘!
- The disease severity decreased as light transmittance ratio of the canopy at heading (LTR) increased.The LTR, Tav and RH explained 80.2% of variation in disease severity. 纹枯病病情指数随着抽穗期群体透光率的提高而下降,由日平均温度、相对湿度和抽穗期群体透光率可以解释纹枯病病情指数变异的80.;2%25。
- Instead of revolving platforms or individual floors, the entire structure will turn once a week, a pace that Tav Singh, the project's manager, calls “dignified”. 整座楼将一礼拜一圈地一起转而不是每层楼各自为政。而该项目的经理TavSingh声称之所以要以此速旋转乃源于一种“高贵”。
- Another exposure mode offered by the K10 D is Shutter& Aperture-Priority AE( TAv) mode, which is designed to automatically select the most appropriate sensitivity for a user-selected shutter-speed& aperture combination. 也就是说,用户选择光圈和快门,然后相机根据不同光线条件自动调节感光度以获得正确的曝光。
- Phylogenetic analysis of 4 ORFs of PSV-Mi with strains of PSV, CMV and TAV showed that PSV-Mi, PSV-ER and PSV-W form three different evolution branches, which also supports above result. 4个ORFs的系统进化树也表明,PSV-Mi、ER和W株系各自形成独立的进化分枝,进一步证实上述结论。
- During Taiwanese sound artist Alice Hui-Sheng Chang’s residency in TAV, she holds a special collaborative concert with invited guest Hui-Chun Lin and Shuyi Hsieh for a all-night-long improvisation. 台湾声音艺术家张惠笙于台北国际艺术村驻村期间,特邀林惠君与谢书仪两位即兴音乐家,一同为大家呈现一整晚的即兴音乐。
- A single Turkish construction firm, TAV, has just finished an airport terminal for Egypt's capital, Cairo, and is building others in Libya, Qatar, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates. 单单一家名为TAV的土耳其建筑公司就已经完成了一个为埃及首都开罗建立机场的项目,该公司还在利比亚、卡塔尔、突尼斯和阿拉伯联合酋长国建立其他的机场。
- at the high level of substance (tav); ”在高水平的物质(番茄不孕病毒) ;
- - Evasion and blow from the thorns cry reductions (tav); -逃税和打击从荆棘哭减量(番茄不孕病毒) ;
- - When using talent "Mark" Cerberus runs through the trap (tav); -当使用人才“商标”地狱犬贯穿陷阱(番茄不孕病毒) ;
- - Fireball does nothing if it is a friendly squad (tav); -火球没有采取任何行动,如果它是一个友好的阵容(番茄不孕病毒) ;
- - If the phantom "dissolved" in the hex with the trap, it does not work (tav); -如果幽灵“解散”的十六进制的陷阱,它不工作(番茄不孕病毒) ;
- - When using a push dragon, more than 1 hex, the substance does not fall into the trap (tav); -当使用推龙,超过1十六进制的实质不落入陷阱(番茄不孕病毒) ;
- - Executioner could use the talent of "punishment" for the objects on the battlefield (tav); -刽子手可以使用人才的“惩罚”的对象为在战场上(番茄不孕病毒) ;